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King Commercial Locksmith Of Rosenberg

An office lockout means more than lost time when you can’t get back to work because you don’t have a key to your building.

Whether lost, locked in the building your keys are can be back in your hands fast if you know who to call.

If you call King Locksmith of Rosenberg we can replace your keys quickly and if in the building we can unlock the door and retrieve them.

Our locksmiths in Rosenberg, TX move fast when a customer calls and in a short time they can be at your door with all the right equipment to make another key for you or pick your locks to get them opened when keys are locked in the building.


If installing a Panic Bar is something that you haven’t done it is advisable to have this device fitted to your exit doors to help you evacuate your building if there was an emergency.

Our locksmiths can install this item on your door as an added security feature.

You may be having many different types of locks fitted to your door slowing you down as you look for the right key.

In order to save you time, we can provide you with a master key system which will give you one key for your door. This is helpful if you need to access your doors fast. In case you need to do Door Lock Rekey in Rosenberg, Texas our technicians can help change your keys.
This service is advisable because it alters your keys so that previous keys can’t be used to unlock your door. Not only is this a safety measure, but it gives you peace of mind as well.

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